Financial contributions

Pursuant to Article 1, paragraph 125 of Law 4/08/2017 No. 124 and Legislative Decree 34/2019 on the reporting of public funding, in compliance with the transparency obligation, it is hereby disclosed that subsidies/contributions have been received from public administrations as detailed below:

Financial contributions

AGENZIA ENTRATE EURO 2.855,00 Contribution ART. 25 DL N.34 OF 2020 EURO 2.855,00 03/07/2020
REGIONE PIEMONTE EURO 15.344,38* Regulations on safety in the practice of winter and summer sports and regulation of flight activities in mountain areas (2016-2017) DD. 721 of 12/12/2019 EURO 14.730,60 09/07/2020
FINPIEMONTE EURO 1.250,00 Liquidity contribution EURO 1.250,00 10/09/2020
AGENZIA ENTRATE EURO 4.283,00 Compensation Contribution - ART. 1. DL N. 137 OF 2020 EURO 4.283,00 10/11/2020
COMUNE DI CAPRIE EURO 500,00 One-time non-repayable grant to support commerce and crafts due to COVID-19 EURO 500,00 25/05/2021
FINPIEMONTE EURO 11.665,00 Non-repayable compensation for managers of ski lift facilities EURO 11.665,00 27/05/2021
REGIONE PIEMONTE EURO 20.911,50 Regulations on safety in the practice of winter and summer sports and regulation of flight activities in mountain areas (2017-2018) DD. 178 of 20/11/2020 EURO 20.075,40 08/07/2021
REGIONE PIEMONTE EURO 19.655,55 Regulations on safety in the practice of winter and summer sports and regulation of flight activities in mountain areas (2018-2019) DD. 73 of 10/03/2021 EURO 9.434,67 ANTICIPO INCASSATO 02/08/2021
REGIONE PIEMONTE EURO 19.655,55 Regulations on safety in the practice of winter and summer sports and regulation of flight activities in mountain areas (2018-2019) DD. 73 of 10/03/2021 EURO 9.434,66 SALDO INCASSATO EURO 1.250,00
EURO 1.250,00 EURO 4.200,00 Hotel facilities call - Covid 2019 EURO 4.200,00 10/08/2022
UNIONE MONTANA ALPI GRAIE EURO 1.366,40 man. 110 1 Call for the allocation of contributions for commercial activities in the AXIMA district for urban improvement 2023 EURO 1.366,40 29/03/2023
REGIONE PIEMONTE EURO 5.884,16 Regulations on safety in the practice of winter and summer sports and regulation of flight activities in mountain areas (2019-2020) DD. 394/A2106B/2021 of 22/12/2021 EURO 5.648,79 18/05/2023
GAL VALLI DI LANZO CERONDA E CASTERNONE EURO 17.256,45 PSR 2014-2020 MEASURE 19.2.1-642 support for investments for the creation and development of non-agricultural activities by SMEs concession date 08/06/2023 EURO 17.256,45 NO DATE
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